Map Ratings By PforSlayer, FrogBen, Multiades1, and Ryoga Pig Every month, the DMMC will rate each and every map that we produce and any and all other maps that we come across. Quite a job, but still a fun one! We rate maps on a 5 BOB scale. Most magazines use stars, and IMG uses joysticks, but we use dead BOBS. It's more original and more fun :)   -5 BOBS: Comparable with Bungie   -4 BOBS: Great Map, no bugs.   -3 BOBS: Some bugs, decent map.   -2 BOBS: Lots of bugs, prone to crashes, mediocre map.   -1 BOB: Horrible. Small, buggy, unoriginal and no fun. The Vidmaster meeting-BART123531   Good: Gets old real fast Bad: Other: Infinited everything Destruction of Bae Ceti-FrogBen   Good: Great Lighting Great Plot Bad: Repeating Textures Levels are a little short Other: Fun, and multiple secrets in every level. (Try looking on the first level!) You're the Alien-FrogBen   Good: Great Idea Bad: Repetitive Hard in areas that shouldn't be Small use of effects Other: Almost INFINITE replay value. (use the PM on your other levels... Its a blast) 3's a Charm-FrogBen   Good: Good textures Bad: Low amounts of effects Other: Fun, yet very small